Chief Characteristics of The Age of Dryden

The Age of Dryden period coincided with the Restoration, or England’s return to power after the years of Puritan control. This era had a great impact on English literature, as it was during this time that some of England’s finest authors were born. John Dryden was a poet who became the first Poet Laureate of England. He was born on 27 August 1631 and died on 1 May 1700.

What are the main characteristics of the Age of Dryden?

The Age of Dryden was a time of classical English literature, spanning from 1660 to 1700. Its name is derived from John Dryden, who is considered the most important poet during this time. The basis for his work is Roman and Ancient Greek literary tradition. He was influenced by Petrarch and Horace, and his poems are about moral struggles and self-restraint. The Age of Dryden is characterized by an emphasis on theory.

The poet’s work tends to be more intellectual than emotional. He was interested in the lessons of history and gleaned meaning from what he saw. His writings tended to be laced with satire, irony, and wit. The Age of Dryden (1660-1700) is aptly named because the prominent literary figure of the time is John Dryden. He was born in 1631 and died in 1701. Another important characteristic of this time is the Restoration Period in England, lasting from 1660 until 1688. The Age of Dryden was a time in British history when the literary world was in turmoil.

Prior to this age, the style of literature that English speakers had been reading was mainly in Latin or Greek. The Age of Dryden saw this change, but with a different language: English. This paved the way for future writers, who could now speak to common people without having to worry about language barriers.

What are some of Dryden’s contributions to literature?

John Dryden is often called the father of English drama. He contributed to many genres during his lifetime, including poetry, lyric verse, satire, translations, and criticism. John Dryden was a major figure in the literary world of the 17th century. He is credited with being one of the most influential poets from that time period. Besides his contributions to poetry, he also played an important role in the development of the drama of England.

Read About: Chief Characteristics of the Age of Shakespeare

In addition to writing many poems and dramas himself, he supported Restoration theater by editing and publishing works from other playwrights. Dryden is known for his contributions to literature. He is one of the best poets in English literature, and he wrote the greatest epic poem of the 17th Century. He was also a writer of prologues, proverbs, and satires. One of his most famous prologues is “To His Coy Mistress,” which was written in 1681.

John Dryden was a very prolific writer and made contributions in the fields of drama, poetry, and prose. With his work on heroic couplets, he had a significant impact on the development of English poetry. In addition to that, he also played a key role in elevating the status of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” with his very successful translation.

How did Dryden’s work evolve over time?

Dryden’s work evolved over time, but he always remained contemporary with the times. His earlier work is typified by its neoteric wit and wordplay, which he himself referred to as “the most ingenious of all Wit”. He was, however, always politically conservative. His later works are characterized by their use of heroic couplets and reasoned arguments.

From the beginning, Dryden was a very talented writer. His poetry is quite good, and he has a great sense of humor. In his later years, these skills weren’t as strong, but he still had a lot of important thoughts on society. He advocated for religious tolerance and encouraged writers to write with their own voice rather than trying to be like Shakespeare. Dryden’s work changed and developed through time.

His earlier works like Annus Mirabilis and Absalom and Ahithophel were heavily influenced by the three major poets of his era: Ben Jonson, John Milton, and William Shakespeare; however, as he matured as a writer, he began to write more about current events such as The Hind and the Panther.

Why is the Age of Dryden important in literary history?

John Dryden was a major figure in the Age of Dryden and his works and writings left a lasting impact on English literature. He is considered by many to be one of the first “poets’ laureate” because he served as the royal poet under Charles II, after the death of Ben Jonson. Dryden’s work possesses a satirical wit and political insight that is unsurpassed in his time as well as ours today.

John Dryden was a poet who lived in England in the 1670s. His time is called the Age of Dryden because he was so influential, and because his work helped shape English literature for close to 200 years after his death. One of his most well-known works is called “To His Coy Mistress.” The Age of Dryden was the period when English poets became more active in both life and work.

The use of satire, specifically against religious oppression, is one of the most common aspects of poetry during this time. John Dryden is best known for his satires because he was so well versed in their art form.


The chief characteristics of Dryden’s age were a reverence for the past, a predominance of the Classical spirit in literature, and a self-consciousness about literary form. The main characteristics of John Dryden.

  • He was an English poet, playwright, and literary critic.
  • John Dryden’s works are important in the Restoration period of English literature.
  • John Dryden was a major poet and critic of his time and is one of the greatest English poets.
  • The chief characteristics of Dryden’s age are the impulse to intellectualize; the subordination of individual to social interests; and the formation of an aristocracy in literature.

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